Without billiard balls we would not be able to play, there is a great variety of balls for each modality.
There are some that are bigger like the Carom balls, others smaller like the Snooker balls.
The best balls are from Aramith.
Some time ago billiard balls were made of ivory, but nowadays they are made of phenolic resins because of their advantages over the natural ones:
I present all the balls of different modalities for you to know them.
They are suitable for playing 8-ball, 9-ball, 10-ball and 14.1-ball (Straight pool or 14.1 continuous or 14.1 rack).
There are a variety of styles and designs of billiard balls, choose the one you like the most.
Testimonial 1:
“I was hesitant to spend so much on a set of balls. I’ve used this set for a few weeks. I finally cleaned the set using the included ball cleaner. I’m happy to report, the balls are shiny with no damage. The balls play perfectly.”
Testimonial 2:
“Bought for my home table. They play perfect. Excellent value for the cost.”
Testimonial 1:
“When my pool table guy told me to spend the money of these I thought it was foolish.
Admitting I was wrong is hard to do, but was I ever.
The first game was an experience that blew me out of the water.
Theses balls on SImonis cloth is amazing.
My shots are true, the expected roll is there and the rebound was spot on.
I had more control than ever and was able to actually have the second shot lined up as I planned.
The balls that came with the table are rough and slower rolling.
These balls do not mark up my burgundy cloth leaving it as pristine as the day it was installed.
The Aramith balls are very smooth and respond with a lot less power than the old balls.
I would recommend these to anyone that wants a better game.”
Testimonial 2:
“My guess is that all Aramith balls play the same.
Standard, Premier, Premium and Pro.
Probably better than all other brands.
I’ve played with a new Standard set on my home table for 2 years.
They are great.
I did decide to purchase a new Premium set 10 days ago.
I can detect no difference in play nor can my friends after about 10 hours.
I paid with free shipping which is a bargain.
Now they’re a little higher.
The Premium and the Pro according to Aramith are the only ones to receive Aramiths vitrification process which they claim hardens the ball and reduces friction therefore extending cloth life.
I’ve seen no scientific proof of this so am skeptical.
What I will say without reservation is that the new Premium set is drop dead gorgeous.
They shine, shine and then shine some more.
I assume it’s the vitrification process.
My pool friends joke about being blinded. They really are that beautiful.
My standard set still plays equally well but the finish is not nearly as glossy as the Premium.”
Smooth and grated balls normally measure 57.3mm and the cue ball measures 60.3mm.
The cue ball is larger so that many bar tables will recognize that the cue ball has to come out.
If your billiard table is domestic this model of cue ball is the correct one.
It is recommended for the correct maintenance of your billiard balls and cloth set, once a month clean the balls with plastic polish.
This way you will get the balls to slide better and your billiard cloth will always be perfect.
4 quick and easy steps to use:
It doesn’t take much product to have a big impact on the balls.
Don’t let too much time pass between cleaning your billiard balls.
These products prolong the life of your billiard balls.
Use approximately every 6 weeks, depending on the amount of use.
The bottles last for years.
For the cloth it is recommended to brush it once a week with a wide billiard brush.
Super Aramith Pro-Cup pool balls are quality and are a step up from the Aramith Premier balls and ten times better than the old basic Aramith pool balls.
If you pick up the old Aramith balls and compare them to the Super Aramith Pro-Cup Pool Balls you will find a difference unless you bought a FAKE set, yes a fake set.
If you buy the real Super Aramith Pro-Cup offering and supplement them with a high quality speed cloth (Simonis 861), you will find one person’s comment regarding no improvement in pool play with a comment complaining about the product.
You cannot fault this product (Super aramith Pro-Cup Pool Balls) if you play with a cloth that is the equivalent of old carpet.
If you are going to use this product complement it with a quality pool cloth and you will see the difference and love it.
Most pool leagues and clubs involved in leagues use Super Aramith Pro-Cup.