Hopefully by now you have read all about the semi-professional level of billiards.
If you are ready to put into practice to continue advancing in billiards, these are the drills you should master.
I will not post the 90 and 30 degree Rule drills because they are already in their corresponding section, (the drills are the same images).
I guess you already have your professional pool cue, now it’s time to start with your practices, let’s begin.
To create the habit of this exercise, you must do:
Place your rack or triangle of billiard balls and put the cue ball where you want it most.
The objective here is not as much as shown in the picture, since pocketing the 8-ball at the beginning is a little difficult.
The main objective is that when you hit with the cue ball, it stays in the center of the table in a stop shape as shown in the following GIF.
If you look closely, he hits the 1-ball and the cue ball slows down.
This is an ideal break, you see how all the balls are scattered.
Now it’s your turn, you must keep the cue ball in the center of the table, repeat this exercise at least 5 times.
Now it is the turn to break on the 9-ball.
If you know the 9-ball rules, one of them is that if you pocket the 9-ball on the break, you have won the game.
As shown in the picture, this is the break you must practice to pocket the 9-ball.
It is a little difficult but not impossible.
Many professionals use this break to have more chances to win.
Also, it leaves them in good positions to finish the game.
Do 5 repetitions of the 9-ball break.
Now it’s time to control the cue ball to increase your billiards skills.
This exercise is great for this occasion.
It is a little difficult, but with a lot of practice you will be able to complete it.
You must pocket all the balls in numerical order.
First the 1 ball, then the 2 ball and so on up to the 15 ball.
Always controlling the mingo and trying not to touch other balls.
This exercise is a little easier than the previous one.
It has the same theme, you must pocket all the balls in numerical order.
Do 3 repetitions this week, as I indicated above, at the beginning.
This exercise is ideal for learning to defend yourself.
Place the cue ball behind a group of balls and the 1-ball behind another group of balls.
Do this drill 3 times and also put the balls in different places to practice.
In billiards there are two important terms you should know.
The difference between bank shots and kick shots
A bank shot is when we hit a target ball (1-ball) with the mingo to make one or more rails and a kick shot is when we first hit the rail or rails with the mingo and then hit the target ball (8-ball).
Once all the doubts have been cleared up, let’s go on to the exercises.
Do this simple exercise to make bank shots.
Put the cue ball behind the corresponding ball and pocket it.
Do it from the bottom to the top.
In this exercise you must simply hit the rail and touch the first ball and so on.
This is the last exercise of the level.
You should pocket all the balls in no specific order, but always placing the cue ball for the next ball.
Here you must not miss, if you do, you start again.